You never fail to make me laugh, make me think, and inspire me. You’re such a boss!

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I love your honesty and am in awe of your physical strength-you are an inspiration! Thanks for the giggle too. I am a girl who always wants to know where the nearest bathroom is so your adventure at the end (so to speak) sounds like my worst nightmare. Ha!

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Thank you! I am becoming that person who wants to know where the nearest bathroom is....

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I, who will only see those kinds of spectacular views if I am airlifted up a mountain, continue to be in awe of you, my friend! I am one of your "ocean people" but am in awe of the forces that created those mountains surrounding us, and I can't wait to hear about your venture around Mt. Blanc and how many times you have to drop your drawers to complete it :)

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I definitely like time at the beach, too — especially if I have a good book, friends, and a glass of wine!

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YES!!! You did it! So proud of you and your audacious goals. And can't wait for the posts recounting all the adventures on Mount Blanc! Thanks for being one of my bad ass b!#&$ hiking friends. I love that you are always pushing yourself.

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Thanks to you I took my hiking poles. You are the woman I look to for inspiration!

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Loved your reminder that the journey is the destination. We do need challenges…to push ourselves and test our limits and remind ourselves what our bodies and spirits are capable of. Congratulations…. Your training will pay off. PS love your humor at the end and reality of surviving the “runs”!!!

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You're right! Our bodies and spirits are capable of so much more than we think possible -- and don't you love the feeling of making it happen?

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